Wednesday, September 1, 2010

In further job news . . .

I'm waiting to hear from the DoR. They're taking their own sweet time. I know it's the government, and they move like the second coming of Christ (as my mother would have said), but shit, guys, pull it together.

Tracy is taking my resume to the director of RCPL, which I appreciate greatly. I volunteered last week for Amnesty Week, and I think that got me some good exposure.

I've applied to quite a few jobs with the city and the state; I was declared "disqualified" for some office-assistant job with the state.

I have an interview tomorrow; it's a telephone interview with a lady from the Cowboy Museum of Oklahoma City. I don't have any desire whatsoever to live in Oklahoma, but the job (Processing Archivist) is a job I'd love to have. Even though Curtis asked if I'd advised her in my cover letter that he was going to burn down their museum. I said no.

I'm also following up on some leads with a variety of people.

Finally, we made the decision to go to the SCLA conference in October, in Myrtle Beach. I think that will be a good experience; I'll meet people, network, get my name out there, meet some people.

I'm working it! I'm trying!

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